The Power of Connections

2 min readSep 25, 2019


Photo by Cris Tagupa on Unsplash

How connections are established?

Humans are known for their deep connections and are the only beings on this planet who form complex relations, which make them easily distinguishable from other animals. But, this was not the case earlier. We refer to humans as the only species with a sense of awareness, unlike other animals, which use their instincts more than their intelligence. Humans evolved from just being animals to social animals who can easily interact with other beings effectively.

How people got together?

Initially, humans wandered from place to place in search of food and shelter, but this changed after they discovered agriculture. With this discovery, they started to settle down in one place and built homes thus forming a community of people. Gradually, humans used sound as a tool for communication and improved it which lead to the invention of languages. With languages, more connections were formed between people, marking the formation of civilizations. Multiple civilizations were set up in different places and communication helped connect them.

Enter the civilization and trade

Civilizations were known for their identity and this was generally referred to as culture. Each culture is unique and this makes our world a better place for pursuing different interests, which gives rise to different professions.
Professionals create craft thus improving trade, which revolutionized the world. The current state of this world will not be possible without communication. Today, we live in a world of social media where everyone is connected. There is a concept called “The Six Degrees of Connection”, which defines that everybody is connected through six steps. With the advent of social media, we are currently experiencing five degrees of connection. This world is becoming small and well-connected thanks to instant communication we can harness.
Relationships play a vital role in our life, which are broadly divided into two categories i.e., professional and personal, which gives humans a purpose. It is beyond comprehension that humans reached from nowhere to building ultimate stuff. Connections enabled humans to eliminate imperfection by working with each other’s strengths and weaknesses to create a perfect world where the possibilities are endless.

Summing up

This is what I call humanity, where everyone is connected and each strives to do something purposeful for making this planet an ultimate ecosystem. This world may seem complex, but it was made up of tiny increments and evolution that has created the sophisticated world we are currently living in.

Originally published at on September 25, 2019.



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