note: this is a candid piece of writing where i did not use any editing tool, ChatGPT (for fucks sake, it kills writing spirit) or did not plan on anything before writing. this piece is a very raw thing that i’ve typed as words entered my mind. if you are patient enough — go read it. or else, no worries i don’t care.
TL;DR — i tell you people to take a chill pill and BE HAPPY!
hey! i am back with another piece, after a long time.
i know, i am not a professional blogger and not at all a seasonal one. i would like to call myself as an “occasional blogger” who blogs for fun. i have no other agenda. if i would have, i wouldn’t be posting on :P
well, coming back to the post — i would like to introduce you guys (and gals) — on a sidenote when i say guys, i mean it in a gender-neutral tone — a new concept which i call it as “the lowercase project”.
in a simple sense, the lowercase project is something which i philosophically call for something called “digital chilling”. i understand we live in a world where we are uber-connected and it is easy sometimes, and not, to break out of shackles. since our childhood, we are taught that we should always write things in a sentence case (cue: the english grammar) and we should follow all rules (applies to everything in life). so, here i am telling you guys to break-free and explore this newfound way of life — everything in lowercase. i mean it both literally and metaphorically. as evidence from this piece of the blog, lowercase do look good for the eyes as it makes us feel calm (this is my interpretation, feel free to interpret your observations). it is a testimony (not sure if i’m using the word right, heck who cares) to living life in a free-flow and relaxed manner.
i am someone who fusses over so many things. most of my life (am only 23, not old okay?) i was serious with a serious plus innocence combined face. i used to think that life is a piece of S-word. well, it’s true. it can be. no kidding. but, yes there’s a but, life can also be simple (too much from a young guy) if we leave behind some old notions and move forward with the new ones. can you seriously believe me if i tell you that i am writing this piece without planning and i am going in a full free-flow manner (translation: random)? yes, i am. i think life is good when unplanned something (does not apply to career choices btw).
okay, without complicating much, what i am trying to address from this piece is that we need to “chill-out” a bit and faawk the old conventions which tie us to the ground. learn to levitate into the sun-filled sky (metaphorically) and breathe life as it comes to you. wanna leave behind stress but don’t know how? i have no answer to it, consult some therapist, but all i know is this — try to embrace few things which will make you “feel-good”.
it’s high-time you stop following things which everyone thinks is better for you and start doing things you like (okay, tbh it sounds like a motivation shit now, i get it). i mean, enjoy the things you like — be it comedy shows, upbeat music or uninstalling social media from your phones (yes, break that freaking snap streak and disappoint people). this blog is kinda personal for me too, that’s why you might find examples which might relate to me, but i am hoping you are getting the “real shit” i am talking about.
being spontaneous and candid has one BIG advantage — you get to feel “very very free”. i mean it. you will feel like you are breathing oxygen 100 times more.
am a guy who has OCD and typing in all-lowercase feels very odd sometimes but i am trying to post an entire blog here for the entire fucking world to read it and i won’t even touch this piece of blog to edit after i finish publishing this. this is an exercise to take a chill pill and accept who you can be. we become so obsessed with how we present to the outside world that we forget what our inner-child wants. hence, i urge you all — to live the life your inner-child wants. meaning: talk to people without any egos, go do things which you like, be kind, click pictures of the sunsets/sunrise (heck yeah, i do this) and be happy.
i have a message/note for you — TAKE A CHILL PILL and TRY TO SMILE AND BE HAPPY TODAY. FUCK CONVENTIONS THAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT SERIOUS STUFF LIKE WORK AND MONEY. yeah, they are an important part in life but it doesn’t mean you buck up your ass and get very dangerously SERIOUS about life. if you think your life has no meaning — yes, my friend, it does not have any meaning. fucking true. these are human-made concepts. it’s not late to give it meaning (okay, this sounds like a motivation shit too). time to live life in “you” mode now.
okay, i end my blog piece here. coz i ran out of words now. writing this entire piece without any planning in one-go is kinda achievement for me so at least i am happy and i wish y’all HAPPIESS (out of excitement) too!
also, into songs? i have an upbeat/feel-good song for you. go listen (if you have Spotify). jk, others can listen too!