The Art of Diary Writing

2 min readJun 9, 2020


Photo by Zoran Borojevic on Unsplash

Making records should be fun.

Wait, what am I doing? No I don’t want to be a motivational speaker. I am just here to express my opinion that’s it.

OK, enough of encouragement to write something about your day. This blog post is not to tell you about how miracle it is to write all the events that happened and the magical unicorns that will fly by as you start to dig through your day. Seriously, I don’t have much patience to tell how diary writing can impact you and all, instead will introduce my own approach on how to write diary in a simple fashion.

Well, enough writing. I am already bored. Let’s dive into my super boring or super creative idea. Let us call this super creative as I would never call my work super boring. Haha, enough!

OK, before you read on, let me confess one thing — I am not an expert in diary writing. I just do it solely for fun as it is cool these days to have one diary of your own.

These are some steps to write a mediocre diary entry because it is not a book that needs to be published, right?

Step 1 — There are no steps, just an idea so read on!

You don’t have to jot every event like brushing your teeth to how you wore your t-shirt into your diary. It is just about entering some important events of the day. That’s it.

The key is to keep diary writing experience simple. Write whatever that comes to mind.

Dairy is for writing stuff, not for paining the paper like a Picasso.


Whatever it is, diary is a personal thing so it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can create your own approaches while writing your valuable memories.

You doesn’t have to even follow this approach, as I always say, it is just my opinion and felt the need to express through this blog post. Thanks for spending your most valuable 10 mins of the day.

A Tip

I am not a fan of writing in an original diary. I use Standard Notes to record my dairy entries. Standard Notes uses end-to-end encryption to protect data and is completely secure.

With that being said, happy journaling!

Originally published at on June 9, 2020.



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