History of Us

3 min readJan 22, 2021


We as early humans hunted animals for food. Learnt skills for survival.

We built our bodies strong for the purpose of defense. We engaged in sex for creating new life.

One day, we planted a plant and thought “we can also eat plants, right?” and thus began agriculture.

For monitoring crops we started settling down with few trustworthy people, thus creating villages.

For communicating with fellow villagers, we developed languages. We did start to communicate with nearby villagers too.

Soon, villages became towns. Towns became cities and cities formed together to create a country.

We discussed new ideas and started to believe in invisible energy. We idolized God, creating groups called religion.

We believed in God, religion was born. We believed in soil, country was born.

We developed cultures, rituals, structures and organized communities.

We started sharing our resources with other countries for their resources, thus creating a trade.

The Barter system was replaced with coins and the coins with paper money.

For faster trade and travel, we invented vehicles. We built ships, cars, buses, trains, airplanes.

We shared knowledge from one generation to other for the advancement of civilization, thus creating education and building schools and Universities.

Educated people with skills started working for wages, thus creating an economy.

Economies became large and larger and soon governments were formed and invested in technology, science, business, art, public health, education.

Modern humans became diversified. While one person produces music, the other works in a Chemistry lab for experimenting stuff. We built buildings, we started entertaining people through media.

We started to write, books were born. We created visuals, movies were born. We produced sounds, music was born. We reported, news was born.

We humans started maintaining intimacy with other person and started to love and soon marriage institution was found. Thus began committed relationships with mutual trust and respect.

Families mattered. Friends mattered. Country mattered.

Technology increased, economies became large. Feelings for one’s own country grew.

Fast forward, wars happened. With wars more technology happened and soon humans went on to walk on the surface of the Moon and ventured deep into the sea.

New discoveries happened and new communication techniques were formed. Fast forward, the internet happened.

Companies sprang up for disrupting technologies. Banks, stock markets were created for managing and investing money.

Personal computers and phones were created for personal communication. As tech increased, phones became smartphones.

With smartphones, more and more communication happened, world got connected and soon globalization happened.

Social media was born and we started to share our lives, opinions, creations. Faster the internet, faster the movement of information.

Management of digital information laid the foundation for a new avenue — The Information Technology industry.

We changed how we live, eat, love, talk, entertain, create and collaborate.

Everything became simple, right? Well…I don’t think so.

Information overload happened. Soon we have lots and lots of options, opportunities, jobs, places, cultures, movements, mediums. This confused us a lot and soon polarization happened.

We started studying brains, psychology and neurobiology was created. We started studying societies, sociology was born.

Managing our life became more easy than every at the same time, more difficult than ever.

This is our World. A place where lots of things happened. Lots of people lost their lives. Lots of discoveries happened. Lots of experiments happened.

We evolved from apes, one species and soon became homo sapiens and identified ourselves into different groups. You know how groups function, right?

This is our World, a place better/worse than yesterday, in a sense. Soon will be better/worse than tomorrow.



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