Note — This blog post is an aggregation of Covid-19 online resources in India available on the internet or shared by others. I will try to add resources that are available Pan India. I am not connected to people associated with these resources.
If you’re viewing this page on your desktop or phone web browser use Find in Page feature for searching for specific keywords for faster navigation. You can search for a place or requirement.
Example — You can type Andhra Pradesh in search box for faster navigation.
I am provides links for websites (aggregators), Twitter handles, Chatbots and other information such as spreadsheets containing Covid-19 information.
Take necessary precautions like
- Washing your hands with soap or sanitizer.
- Wearing a mask.
- Maintaining physical distancing.
- Getting vaccinated.
For Covid-19 statistics you can visit the following websites
- Covid-19 statistics from Bing — Information collected by Microsoft.
- — Crowdsourced information.
- Covid-19 Stats from WHO — Information collected by World Health Organization.
For vaccination slot booking and registration visit CoWin.
You can apply for vaccination on Aarogya Setu, CoWin or Umang app.
- COVResourcesIn — Twitter handle for COVID resources.
- CovidFightersI1 — Tweets about resources and plasma request.
- COVIDNewsByMIB — News related to Covid-19 from Ministry of Information Broadcasting.
Note — You can find information on resources like oxygen supply, plasma, hospital beds (ICU, ventilation support, oxygen beds), blood donors and food deliveries based on the location and requirements from below listed websites.
- — Pan India search tool.
- Covid-19 Scam Directory — This website will help you check whether your medical equipment dealer is a scamster or not. This is a crowdsourced website run by volunteers. Pan India.
- Covid-19 Plasma — This website contains list of websites for plasma donation. Those websites need registration.
- — For Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
- — For Hyderabad, Vijayawada-Guntur and Visakhapatnam region.
- Covid-19 Hospital Beds Info AP — Number of beds available for treating Covid-19 patients displayed district wise in Andhra Pradesh. Helpline numbers provided.
- — Crowdsourced information about resources based on location. Pan India.
- — Resource aggregator.
- — Resources list based on location. Pan India.
- — Resources list based on location. Pan India.
- — COVID resources list based in Andhra Pradesh.
- The Uncut Team COVID Resources — Resources list based on location. Pan India level. View information as spreadsheets or PDF.
- NALSAR COVID Resources — Crowdsourced resources list.
- CovidFYI from Life Coronasafe Network — Verified crowdsourced information on Covid-19 resources based on location. The information is extracted from live tweets.
- FactChecker Covid-19 Resource Checker — Info on Covid-19 resources like beds verified by FactChecker network.
- Covid Meals for India — Search for Covid-19 meals filtered using location.
- Covid Tamil Nadu — Independent Covid-19 resource aggregator in Tamil Nadu.
- Covid-19 Resources Tamil Nadu — Beds availability status and other information.
- Covid-19 Aggregator Telangana — Independent Covid-19 resource aggregator in Telangana.
- Covid-19 Aggregator Bihar — Independent Covid-19 resource aggregator in Bihar.
- Covid-19 Aggregator Pune — Independent Covid-19 resource aggregator in Pune.
- Covid-19 Resources Rajasthan — Bed availability information and other information.
- Covid-19 Aggregator Madhya Pradesh — Hospital beds info.
- Covid-19 Aggregator West Bengal — Hospital beds info.
- Covid-19 Beed — Bed availability tracker in Beed.
- Covid-19 Nashik — Independent aggregator and bed availability tracker in Nashik.
- Covid-19 Nagpur — Availability of beds and aggregator.
- Covid-19 Thane — Covid-19 resources info aggregator. For Thane, Maharashtra.
- Covid-19 Uttarakhand — Dashboard, hospital beds availability and other information.
- Covid-19 Uttar Pradesh Bed Availability
- Covid-19 Surat — Complete information on vaccination, hospital beds availability and other info for Surat, Gujarat.
- Covid-19 Pune Beds Availability — Hospital bed availability status.
- Covid-19 Gurugram — Information about hospital beds availability, care centers, labs/tests etc. for Gurugram.
- Covid-19 Delhi — Dashboard showing info on hospital beds availability and other info.
- Covid-19 Ranchi — Information about Covid-19 resources in Ranchi.
- Covid-19 Bangalore — Information about hospital beds, vaccine news, useful websites, medical consultation etc. for Bangalore.
- Covid-19 Ahmedabad — Covid-19 resources information for Ahmedabad.
- Covid-19 Punjab — Information about ambulance services, hospital beds, food delivery, plasma etc. for Punjab.
- Covid-19 Vadodara (Baroda) — Covid-19 resources information for Vadodara.
- MyGov Corona Helpdesk : Official chatbot developed by Government of India. You will be redirected to your WhatsApp after clicking that link.
- Andhra Pradesh Covid-19 Chatbot : +91 8297104104 (WhatsApp)
Other Online Resources
These online resources may contain information in the form of spreadsheets or other formats.
- Andhra Pradesh Covid Resources — Spreadsheet containing information about resources based in Andhra Pradesh.
- GVAN Covid Resources — Spreadsheet containing resources info. Pan India.
- COVID Fighters Resources — Spreadsheet containing resources based on requirement. Pan India.
- Covid-19 Mumbai (WhatsApp groups) — Information about hospital beds, plasma, doctors, food delivery, oxygen for Mumbai. Independent WhatsApp groups.
- Covid-19 Help Lucknow — Spreadsheet about hospital beds in Lucknow.
- Covid-19 Gujarat — Spreadsheet about Covid-19 resources for Gujarat.
Send Information
If you know any online resource send that information by clicking here.
On, you can submit a lead (info) via this link. You can share information about resources like oxygen supply, availability of beds (ICU, ventilation support, oxygen beds), food delivery etc.
If you are interested in volunteering, there is also an opportunity for volunteering at for verifying information.
I will update this page if I discover new information. Stay safe and take care.